Learning to See everythingforever.com
Learning to See the Timeless Infinite Universe

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Seven years ago scientists discovered the expansion of the universe is accelerating, which indicates the direction of time is on a crash course with absolute zero. Absolute zero, similar to the Alpha state of the big bang, is an extreme or ultimate boundary in physical reality, beyond which no other possibilities exist. In other words, the greater infinite universe is ultimately constrained by what is physically possible, and so the timeless world of possibilities has a shape which can be mapped.

"I am at two with nature."
Woody Allen



The Book:
Everything Forever:
Learning to See Timelessness




"Ultimately, all moments are really one, therefore now is an eternity."
—David Bohm










"Everything, everything with no exception, is a manifestation of an eternal unity, a transcending ubiquitous consciousness, which many label as God. When you touch that unity, you perceive and also experience the wonder within which you and all the rest of creation are embedded."
—Gerald Schroeder





Re-Discovering a Meaningful Universe

The most spiritually and philosophically consequential law in science is without question the second law of thermodynamics, which claims that all systems that originate in an ordered state decay into a disordered state as time evolves. The second law has been written about extensively but the underlying conclusion which everyone must draw is always the same. The second law indicates the universe is ultimately meaningless. According to the second law, the universe is just winding down, because disorder is more probable. We can find meaning in the present, but the long-term evolution of the universe has no ultimate purpose or goal. The beautifully ordered universe is in the process of dying. That conclusion is forced upon every person who learns it, and in fact the second law hangs over science and humanity like a black cloud.

Consider if human history had been different, and we had found instead that the universe is moving towards increasing order, this giving the universe a kind of innate purpose or goal, perhaps a goal of perfection, or at least a steady progression of some kind, imagine how much more interested people would be in science today. The second law is undoubtedly solely responsible for undermining the growing interest in science that came about in the 1960's, when the big bang theory became popular and after Apollo missions to the moon. Surely the modern state of human affairs, even world politics, would be significantly changed had the news been ultimately good. Unfortunately, there seems to be no escape from the brutal facts. The second law is one of the most fiercely defended laws in science today. And yet, it should be noted, that something totally unexpected occurred in science recently, something that promises to radically change how we see the future.

In the summer of 1999 NASA officials and a team of scientists in a television broadcast announced one of the most significant discoveries ever made, easily comparable to when Edwin Hubble first discovered the galaxies are expanding away from one another. They had further verified a shocking discovery first made in 1998 by two different groups of astronomers that showed the expansion of the universe is accelerating. Prior to this development, the expansion of the universe was believed to be slowing down, decelerating ever since time began 13.7 billion years ago. Then careful studies measuring the brightness of type Ia supernovas in distant galaxies revealed the rate of cosmological expansion is no longer in decline. After slowing for nearly eight billion years, approximately six billion years ago the deceleration became acceleration. Whatever the future holds, we are accelerating towards it.

Simply discovering that it is possible for the expansion of the universe to accelerate was to put it mildly completely unexpected, and cosmological science is now in an unprecedented adjustment period. What does accelerating expansion mean about the future? What does this acceleration tell us about the direction of time, or the end of time? What kind of future will this accelerating expansion create? And does this acceleration change the bleak outlook of the distant future as dictated by the second law?

The discovery of accelerating expansion was more relief than surprise for me personally. I wrote three books between 1994 and 1997 all prior to the '98 discovery explaining that the universe in the distant future will be stretched flat by expansion, stating clearly in each book that time will reach the temperature of absolute zero, at which point time ends for the known universe. My estimate in 1994 was that the age of a universe is approximately 120 billion years. I made my conclusions based upon a grand model of timelessness, the basics of which is presented here at this website and also in greater detail in my book, Everything Forever: Learning to See Timelessness. What is essentially a God's eye view of reality, the map of timelessness I present, comes along with the realization that there are two kinds of order in nature, rather than simply order and disorder. I am honored to say that my version of the two kinds of order greatly extends the work of the well known physicist David Bohm, who was a favorite student and friend of Albert Einstein. One of Bohm's many books was Wholeness and the Implicate Order, which explained his concepts of implicate and explicate orders.

To use Stephen Hawking's analogy of a puzzle in a box, there is one pattern where a puzzle fits perfectly together in its most ordered state, and each time we shake the box there is another pattern where the puzzle is broken and disordered. This represents how we see the universe today, as a broken puzzle that cannot put itself back together again. The probability for disorder is always greater than order. If one thinks in terms of order and disorder as Ludwig Boltzmann did when he developed the statistical side of the second law (and so envision the whole as an overall asymmetry), this is logically true. Disorder is more probable. However, if instead we think of the cosmos in terms of positives and negatives and neutrals (and so imagine the whole as having overall symmetry), then this statement is logically and statistically untrue. If swung to one side a pendulum exists in a state of imbalance. Set free the pendulum swings until it returns to a state of rest or balance. In this way the puzzle can fit itself together into a perfect state of balance. 

A simple pendulum unless acted upon will remain forever at rest. If the perfect puzzle is a state of balance then it will never change. As Stephen Hawking has said, “What was the initial state of the universe…It can't be flat space. That would remain flat space.” If we then evaluate the direction of time from this top-down (timeless) perspective then the greater whole of possibilities is seen as ultimately balanced and symmetrical, and the perfect puzzle is and always will be the balance of absolute zero. And where do we find absolute zero? We find zero exactly where we should expect it, in our future, because the universe is like the swing of a pendulum moving toward balance. Hence in our past we naturally find imbalance, the extreme of which can be either all positive or all negative.

In very simple terms, there are two kinds of order in nature. A division of opposites such as positives apart from negatives represents one kind of order, while the balance and unity of zero represents another kind of order. The model of two orders I explain here and in my book extends David Bohm’s concepts of explicate and implicate order into a far more simple and practical description. It can be shown that our universe is evolving away from one type of order existent in our past toward a whole other type of order present in our future. This honestly provides a sensible reason for why the cosmos is systematic and orderly rather than disorderly and chaotic.

Learning to see the world through the theory of two orders creates an extremely advanced understanding of the cosmos. It reveals quite clearly that the second law is completely wrong in how it portrays the future. The evolving universe is quite extraordinarily meaningful and does have a goal and a purpose.

In all my writings I explain how and why the greater Universe is infinite and timeless, supporting the conclusions made by all the greatest scientists of the past century, including Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, and David Bohm, as well as many of the scientists of today, including those bridging the centuries such as Stephen Hawking, string theorist Brian Greene and Julian Barbour. Although time as we know it begins and ends, the known universe is like a story in a great book that tells an infinite number of stories. The greater infinite Universe exists timelessly, it has always existed, and will always exist. A bit too profound I know to be good hard science but discovering there are two kinds of order leads to a whole other way of looking at the universe.

I hope you enjoy the read.


Gevin Giorbran

Last updated January 2008

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"This separation between past, present and future is only an illusion…"
Albert Einstein

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